Michael Bolton sang that ''when a man loves a woman he would spend his very last dime trying to hold on to what he needs..'' but even the lyrics from that song is an understatement compared to what love does to some men.
When a man loves a woman,he'd buy her the world..if he can afford it.
The man you are about to read of is a lover boy to the core and if he donated his money to ease suffering the world over,he would still have enough to last him a lifetime and some.
Imagine that just to woo a girl that he likes he is reported to have acquired property for her worth £1.6 million!
It is also alleged that the lucky girl is yet to part 'river Jordan' for Mr lover boy oh,he just needed to show her that his love is real.
A little description of this extraordinary gentleman, who is spending money like a drunken sailor?
Well a brief look at him will convince you he will not win Mr world if he ever contested.he is based in Nigeria and is into Ororo..not the type you use in frying plantain though!
He is highly connected and is dark skinned,older and reportedly spent millions of dollars for his son that got married a while back.
His nose has a striking resemblance with mine,his lips are as dark as night time and his permanently oily face is one of his striking features.
Who could this be?
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