Micheal Jackson's Ghost Spotted............WOOOOW!

Shocked Reece Savva, 14, took three snaps of the Jackson tribute act as he waited in line for a signature. But when he got home and looked at the pictures he noticed the ghost of the late entertainer hovering above his impostor's head in one of the frames.

Reece, from Bromley, Kent, was taken to the nearby Churchill Theatre with his family to watch a Michael Jackson live tribute show.

He said:"It was so eerie. There was nothing there at all when I was waiting in line.

"I have no idea what happened on that one picture, but it's terrifying. It was like something out of Thriller.

"It's like he just popped his head in to see what was going on and then left. I never used to believe in ghosts, but now I'm not so sure."

Mum Angela, 54, added:"The image is so clear. I was there and I can adamantly say that there were no mirrors, no trickery, nothing like that at all.

"Sometimes you can see these things in photos, it is an image of something but you are almost willing it to be something else.

"But you look at that and it is clearly a face and it does look like Michael Jackson. And the fact it was a Michael Jackson event and there he was makes it all the more eerie.

"Although, I think if he did come back from the dead, he probably wouldn't go to watch an impersonator."

In the photo, Jackson's ghost is seemingly peering over the shoulder of a Michael Jackson impersonator, perhaps trying to see what he is writing...culled

Micheal Jackson's Ghost Spotted............WOOOOW!