Kanye West has opened up on his online feud with Wiz
Khalifa,acknowledging it was because he felt Kim was being disrespected.(A man
who truly loves..sigh)He also talked about the photo Kim took with Amber
..Speaking on Big Boy TV ,he said
My brother Malik Yusef got us on the phone. He’s very close
to Wiz, he’s also very close to me, “We chopped it up, and squashed it. For
people who felt a way about the kids comment, I didn’t mean it in a harmful
way. I just saw my wife’s initial and reacted, because that’s my family. People
are thinking’… [Kim] is open season or something… that’s the mother of my kid!
And I’m ‘Ye. I don’t want to act like I’m the toughest…I just want to show that
I’m a man at the end of the day.”
On Amber Rose and Kim's photo, he said
Yes it is a real picture.. They were at Kris' house.
Is Drake's pool bigger than yours? Kanye simply replied
I got three pools.
Kanye West has opened up on his online feud with Wiz
Khalifa,acknowledging it was because he felt Kim was being
disrespected.(A man who truly loves..sigh)He also talked about the photo
Kim took with Amber ..Speaking on Big Boy TV ,he said
On Amber Rose and Kim's photo,he saidMy brother Malik Yusef got us on the phone. He’s very close to Wiz, he’s also very close to me,”“We chopped it up, squashed it. For people who felt a way about the kids comment, I didn’t mean it in a harmful way. I just saw my wife’s initial and reacted, cause that’s my family. People be thinkin’… [Kim] is open season or something… that’s the mother of my kid! And I’m ‘Ye. I don’t want to act like I’m the toughest…I just wanna show that I’m a man at the end of the day.”
Yes it is a real picture.. They were at Kris' house.Is Drake's pool bigger than yours?Kanye simply replied
I got three pools..- See more at: http://www.gossipnigeria.com/2016/02/i-just-saw-my-wifes-initials-reacted.html#sthash.iF8iWVOZ.dpuf
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