In attendance were heavyweights in the entertainment industry from music, movies, comedy, and the media industry generally. It was an event with so much glitz ‘n’ glamour, and thrilling moments. The smiles and laughter on everyone showed the level of satisfaction with the event. IK Osakioduwa surprised the audience when he grabbed the microphone to deliver a song with Isaac Gerald ( never knew he could sing that well though).
A major highpoint of the event was when the actors arrived in a Limousine cheered by the guests. It was such a beautiful, captivating and grand entry that would make anyone aspire to being an actor.
That entry added shine to the already lively arena as everyone scrambled to either steal a selfie with the actors or get an interview with them. By the way, it’s important for me to mention that the roll call of media houses present at the event would make you think it was a media conference. After all the resplendence, the writer and director of the movie, Michael Asuelime welcomed the guests and formally introduced the movie.
No doubt, Entreat is an interesting film. The guests could not hold back their feelings in the hall; they laughed, cried and even expressed anger at some of the characters. Now truly, there are some characters in the movie Entreat that you will hate, in fact, you might want to slap such characters from your seat. That’s how real and connecting those characters are.
In the end, everyone went home satisfied, also thinking about issues to correct in their individual lives, because Entreat is not only entertaining, it is also very revealing and educative. It’s a movie that must be seen by everyone. But be warned, it will make you laugh, smile, cry and you might be upset! One thing is sure, you will feel different!
The good thing about Entreat is that the razzmatazz did not end with the Première. The razzmatazz continues with the Meet & Greet scheduled to take place in different cinemas across Lagos for a start. The actors will be available to interact and mingle with their fans, and share gifts. If you missed the première, this is a good opportunity to catch up with your stars.

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