Question of the day from Maheeda
Maheeda once said she had to turn to prostitution at some point in her life to make ends meet after she became an orphan at age 13 and found herself alone on the streets. So what's your answer to her question?
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Hajja, once kidnapped by Boko Haram |
'I've always loved dimples but I wasn't blessed to be given big ones.When God was giving out dimples I was at the back of the queue. I find myself on the street or watching TV and anyone with dimples stands out to me. I was online with my friend and we were basically having a joke as to what procedures you could do and you couldn't do, and I was like: "wow, I didn't know you could have your dimples done. I gave it a bit of thought, contacted them and here I am. I wanted really deep ones so every time I smile, they're there and I'm glad it's for life as well. It's not something I'm going to have to repeat which is good.'Cherrelle said she didn't expect such deep holes but knows she will love them
"I was impressed as I didn't think they were going to be that deep, it's mixed feelings. Once it has healed, I know I will love it.'
“APC is like a newly opened church of Satan with the evil as a Pastor which could not be distinguished by Nigerians from a true living Godly Church and hence could be mistaken for a real Church, even when it was made of thieves (Legitimate Pen Robbers), that is why they ganged up against Local Government fiscal Autonomy using crumbs from stolen accumulated wealth to bribe their thievery colleagues at Federal and State house of Assembly." Tunde Bakare said“It is very clear that 5 Governors of APC in the west is far richer than their state and they have looted every penny from the
"It's definitely not true," a spokesperson for the Post confirmed in an email