Clarion Chukwura Lashes Back At Ibinabo Fiberesima - Calls Her 'Ex Convict'.

Clarion Chukwura started this drama when she called out her colleague Ibinabo  Fiberesima in a public memo...Ibinabo had to save face so she sent a long public memo replying the whole drama here

...Anyways as i was saying,Ibinabo replied and Clarion who looks like she wouldnt hurt a fly has just given Ibinabo a kick in the vjayjay...LMAO!

Clarion's reply reads

''I am not on the same level with Ibinabo Fibresima professionally, educationally or in any other form. I find that she is deliberately misleading the public and wanting to push the issues at stake under the table with her so-called open letter. I will not allow her to do that.Item ‘U’ of the electoral guideline of AGN disqualified her. No convicted person can stand for election in any post.

She was convicted for manslaughter and she was given a jail sentence which she served. There is a court injunction stopping Ibinabo from parading herself as the AGN president. This is the copy of the judgment. I have it.

Manslaughter has no option of fine. Her sentence was reduced from seven years to five years and we all know she went to jail. The judgment reads in part, ‘there is proof that she drove recklessly and caused the death of Dr. Sura Giwa contrary to the roadtraffic laws of Lagos State.’ She was drunk. How could this person be the face of AGN?”

    The court injunction of 2011 and 2013 was forwarded to the presidency. The criminal conviction of manslaughter was sent to the presidency. The president is supposed to be a symbol of the supremacy of the rule of law. He disregarded the law in recognising Ibinabo as president of AGN. The president is now saying there is no law in this country. So the AGN has become an ethnic grouping. This is a professional body of actors. It is not a Niger Delta solidarity platform.

    Some actors have even explained to me why they followed her. They said they were taken there on a fraudulent arrangement for her to use and get what she wanted. Would she really have approached me for a thing like that?”I have the data of every government house she has been to.

    No single chapter has seen a dime for running the guild. She went to Ondo State and she was given N500, 000. What chapter did she inaugurate in Ondo State? The guild wasn’t set up to go begging from one state government to another.”

    In 1989 when she was running Pyramid Club in Lagos, she was 22. How can she say 25 years later that she is just turning 40? I have known her a long time. I know what I am saying when I say she is not a professional actor.”

*wow...drama from the least expected place!....its either the ex convict bit is meant to shut up IB or push her to respond...i hope Ibinabo uses wisdom in responding oh.

i love both ladies but nothing anybody does can stop a good fight..they may wake up tomorrow as friends but today they must fight this fight finish and I HAVE SPACE.....hehehehhe

Clarion Chukwura Lashes Back At Ibinabo Fiberesima - Calls Her 'Ex Convict'.