Linda Ikeji has broken the internet by officially becoming Nigeria’s number one news/gossip content website after overtaking the almighty ‘Nairaland;’ a website that had remained Nigeria’s number one website for a stretch of years. For the records, Nairaland, while it was Nigeria’s number one website, (and because it was number one) had an offer of $5 million to sell and smile to the bank but guess what, the brain behind Nairaland refused to sell for any price; to show how valuable the website was but as at the time of writing this, Nairaland has lost the number one spot to Linda Ikeji; who now owns a website we estimate to be worth over N1.1 billion judging by the $5 million offer Nairaland once turned down; with the current exchange rate pegged at $1 exchanging for N220. This offer came years ago and by implication, if the offer were to be made today, it would by all means exceed the earlier $5 million offer, which points to one irrefutable fact – Linda Ikeji’s blog is presently worth much more but we’ll sit and have a drink with the aforementioned figure for the time being.

Over the years, through a combination of seeds of hard work Ikeji had persistently sown, the harvest of fortune bloomed; they bloomed so well that in less than half a decade, Linda Ikeji became a reference point for success stories and the resonating message that with hard work and diligence come a reward that restructures destinies.
Linda Ikeji was not born with a silver spoon and of course her journey to the point where she is today, came at a price – she went through series of unbearable challenges but she refused to give in to the deviant voices that never failed to whisper to her to embrace the easier and less dignifying option – Linda Ikeji chose to work hard to earn a decent living; one she would be proud of. A lot of the time, she was afraid but she never threw in the towel; not because there was no towel but because she was having fun blogging.

What started with less than a dozen stories eventually opened up into archives of posts, images and fans who constantly looked forward to her writing. She didn’t have all the money she needed to hire writers or get an office but she trudged on. Today, Linda Ikeji rules the Nigerian online scene like a colossus – riding her stallion christened ‘’ into the field like a Roman war General but with a sea of compassion and kindness sitting in the centre of her heart.
Single-handedly, Linda Ikeji inspired a new generation of writers under the umbrella of bloggers; who now compete with established national publications like ThisDay, Punch, Leadership, Vanguard, Channels TV and ovation for attention and business online.

In 2014, for instance, Linda Ikeji decided to hire writers; something she had always planned to do but had never really had the financial capacity to do when she was not blogging. Once upon a time, she wrote personal things about herself but today, Linda Ikeji receives advertising and PR briefs from billionaire politicians, multinational brands and A-list celebrities but once upon a time, she had to manage her scarce resources to even remain online as internet subscription plans were largely considered a luxury as they were not particularly affordable.

To understand the length Linda Ikeji goes to ensure she remains heads and shoulders above all indigenous rival brands, it is important to point out that her competitors include national publications line Punch newspaper, Vanguard, Complete Sports, Thisday, Guardian newspapers, Leadership newspaper, Ovation magazine, AIT, NTA, Silverbird Television and countless others; with hundreds of employees strewn all over different states of the federation yet she holds the aces of sitting on top of the list.
Another unassailable fact about this phenomenal blogger with a pretty face and a far prettier physique is that without her, a large chunk of bloggers today would be out of business as the practice of ‘copying and pasting’ her stories on their blogs has become something f a necessity.
In the current Alexa ranking in Nigeria, Ikeji ranks number one news content blog (with the exception of Konga and Jumia, which are purely e-commerce websites). Ikeji’s blog places 13 on Alexa’s current ranking. The top visited websites in Nigeria; from the top down are listed below:
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