Leandro Trejo, 28, has been accused of stabbing his 18-year-old ex
girlfriend Nicole Kleer severally after she called time on their
According to reports, he confronted her as she was walking home with a
friend in the San Fernando area of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He allegedly rode up to her on his motorbike and blocked her path before
bringing out a knife and stabbing her in the neck, arms, head,face and
When she tried to scream for help, he cut her tongue. See photos after
the jump.

Her dad, Claudio Kleer, told local media: "I am indignant and at the
same time very sad, because our whole society is asking that justice
serves those victims of gender violence but lamentably this is not
happening. The aggressor, Leandro Trejo, was hardly even detained for
two hours, because they considered her wounds minor, when it was clearly
an attempt at femicide. Nicole's friend had to throw herself on top of
the attacker with the help of a passing man. The fact that she is alive
is pure luck."
Nicole's legal representative, Maria Elena Leuzzi, said: "The subject
began to follow her, because she told him she wanted to end their two
month relationship."She had already realised he was a violent man.
"She told him to leave her alone, after which he rode home, got a knife
and came back to kill her."
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