months old baby Olaia Marie who was hospitalized in critical condition
few days ago after her mother allegedly rolled over onto her while high
has died. Her father, Marco Mejia confirmed on Facebook. Ventnor
police arrested Lisa Scallia, 31, after officers found 34 bags of heroin
and 10 oxycodone pill.
According to the police report, Scalia was under
the influence when she rolled on top of the baby, smothering her. She
is being held on $100,000 bail on charges relating to child endangerment
and drugs
Marco Mejia revealed the sad news on his Facebook page on Friday and also disclosed that he had decided to allow Olaia
Marie’s organs to be donated.
"With a heavy heart I would like to inform everyone that my baby girl ,
my heart and soul, my lil miracle baby, has left to be with god... she
was pronounced dead at 8:30 this morning.... we thank u for all the
prayers, love and support I am sure Olaia heard them.... I have decided
to allow my babies organs to be donated with the hope that she will
bring a miracle to another family.... if anyone would like to see her
while she is at the hospital you can call me at 6099925683 or just to
give blessings... god bless everyone even the gossiping people that used
this tragedy to bring excitement into there other wise dull lives"
a post he shared on Saturday along with a photo of Lisa cradling baby
Olaia, Marco said that Lisa made a big mistake but it wasn't deliberate.
"Please everyone remember that Lisa Marie loved Olaia... she definitely made the biggest mistake anyone can make but I
refuse to believe she did this horrible act on purpose... no one is in
more pain than me except probably her... if I can forgive her I know
everyone can forgive her... Please pray for her as well.. Thank you
everyone for all the love"
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