This impromptu appearance has led to other similar media
engagements often too short to allow me provide detailed, structured and
contextual answers. Media men and organizations have inundated me with requests
for other engagements on views expressed on the subject matter, which, equally,
have continued to attract comments in the conventional and new media. I have
herein provided my views on the subject and allied matters for your
consideration and use.
In the course of my interactions with Seun Okinbaloye of
Channels during Sunday Politics I noted that there were things that we could do
to help stabilize, reinvigorate, and redeem the fate of the naira. I stand by
those statements. The time was short and I could not fully contextualize my
views, which is a product of years of brainstorming and scenarios building. The
current economic situation did not happen by accident. The likelihood and
probability of it occurring had been “crystal clear to the blind and audible to
the deaf”.
We need to correct some of the erroneous impressions making
the rounds and again change the negative narratives making the rounds
concerning the genuine efforts of the President Buhari led government. For
example, some opine that the short fall in naira was because of the activities
of the Bureau De Change (BDC) operators. Others feel it simply has to do with
our consumption pattern, what we import into the country and weak export
profile. The truth is that it is inclusive of all of these and more. I have
developed, with my team, a deep understanding of the subject matter from a
patriotic perspective. I am therefore very serious when I said “Look at the
economy, look at the position of the naira today; some of us have ideas on how
we can restore this.”
When called upon, we shall be willing to share and
participate in the concerted efforts. I am not speaking just as a
businessperson. We are addressing it with theoretical and empirical processes;
introducing measures that will enhance sustainability. The thought-formation is
crosscutting, multidisciplinary, and multi stakeholders involving. We are
maintaining a safe “theory – research –policy – legal – marketplace practice –
patriotism” balance in what we have proposed.
APPROACH (Appreciative Inquiry, Critical and Creative Thinking)
The proposed possibility is firmly rooted in our ability to
combine the rich elements of Appreciative Inquiry with positive elements of
Critical and Creative Thinking. Permit me to stress, again, I am not alone in
this matter – “a tree does not make a forest”. I belong to a class of patriotic
Nigerians who are committed to brainstorming and thinking out of the box in
search of solutions that can help move Nigeria forward. The team I belong to
has Nigerians from diverse backgrounds and persuasions often concerned about
the fate of Nigerians and keenly desirous of creating the Nigeria of our
What we have done over the years concerning the
stabilization of the Nigerian Naira is seek avenues of maintaining a safe
“theory – research –policy – legal – marketplace practice – patriotism” balance
in what we are proposing. We have taken the pains to interrogate the attendant
issues and circumstances within the context of global dynamics and elite
conspiracy theses desirous of bringing Nigeria an economic crisis aimed at
further pauperizing Nigerians.
The choice open to us is simple. As a country, we must unite
to confront the forex challenge together because of the negative multiplier
effects. We must challenge the cabal behind the current trend, serve the forces
of darkness the required ‘quit notice’ and commence the required revolution
against them. President Buhari has said “NO TO DEVALUATION OF NAIRA” and we
stand by him on this. We shall support the CBN measures aimed at mitigating the
forex challenge.
For the avoidance of doubt and in response to those who have
sought to know what we shall do. It is no ‘voodoo science’. It is a principle
we have tagged the “SIR Principle”. Being the acronym for Strategy,
Implementation and Results.
On Sunday, February 21, 2016, we commenced the first
component of our strategic options and methodological approach followed by the
boldness of challenging the cabal. The efforts as envisaged by “SIR Principle”
is yielding dividends. Since my TV appearance and statement on Sunday night on
Channels TV, the Dollar crashed from about N400/$1 to a year-low of N220/$1
before stabilizing at N290-N300/$1 currently. Is this not enough evidence that
we can arrest this artificial freefall of the Naira with honesty and ingenuity?
Our media appearances constitute another component that will
galvanize and mobilize Nigerians for proactive measures, which include
shunning, ignoring and rejecting the Dollar until it crashes to N200! We are
calling upon Nigerians to demystify our demand for this commodity - THE DOLLAR
– and stop patronizing products that drain Nigerian forex reserves. You can now
observe that this is not a POLITICAL STUNT, as some quarters would want
well-meaning Nigerians to believe.
When we intervened concerning the fuel scarcity situation of
the country, and I wish to ask, what political gains have I achieved by defying
the strike action? My actions are born out of sheer and deep love for country,
something I have proven repeatedly despite being highly misunderstood – a
perception I pay dearly for sometimes. I may not be Bill Gates or Mark
Zuckerberg but I believe I am the David that will face and defeat Nigeria's
Goliath (Naira vs Dollar).
The need to clearly draw attention to the fact that what we
present is possible informed staking of my over N500billion assets. It is
firmly rooted in the realm of the empirical – it is that which is possible. If
the country is not willing to listen to the bright minds am working with as
individuals or as a collective they should at least listen to me based on what
the Bible even noted:
“Once I saw what people really think of wisdom, and it made
an impression on me. It happened when a powerful ruler surrounded and attacked
a small city where only a few people lived. The enemy army was getting ready to
break through the city walls. But the city was saved by the wisdom of a poor
person who was soon forgotten. (He was only a poor man, after all.) Therefore,
I decided that wisdom is better than strength. Yet if you are poor, no one pays
any attention to you, no matter how smart you are. Words of wisdom spoken
softly make much more sense than the shouts of a ruler to a crowd of fools.
Wisdom is more powerful than weapons, yet one mistake can destroy all the good
you have done.” Ecclesiastes 9:13-18
To God’s glory, I am the arrowhead of the team of patriotic
Nigerians brimming with confidence and ideas, which is why I would dare to make
such an audacious wager now to save the Nigerian economy and douse the
suffering of the masses. It is with the same ingenuity of Appreciative Inquiry,
Critical and Creative Thinking that I hinged the conceptualization and building
of Capital Oil and Gas Industries Nigeria Limited (one of my companies). A
company that until date, contributes above 35% of Nigeria's daily petroleum
consumption, is a feat that has remained unparalleled industry wide. This fact
is verifiable through NNPC/PPMC and DPR/PPPRA. A simple Google search will
validate this or better still through NNPC's twitter handle @NNPCgroup.
Achieving this feat, by neither waiver nor any form of grant or concession from
the government, means that with God’s help and the interest of suffering masses
of Nigeria in focus, then this task which I have said and set my heart to do is
We call this “putting your money where your mouth is”.
Nigerians should keep the faith with me. How else do we define patriotism? What
patriotism or sacrifice could be greater than this? By the grace of God, I have
a 75% success rate in all I set out to achieve and I thank God immensely for
this gift.
My benefit in this is simply the satisfaction that we can
move Nigeria forward. I am wholly Nigerian, I have an unfathomable passion for
the masses, and downtrodden as I was once part of them before God turned my
water to wine. Nevertheless, I still feel my yesterday in all that I do today
and tomorrow by God's grace.
My belief and faith in GOD has made me to understand that
“the poor we will always have with us” but we need to understand and practice
what the Bible expects of us in Deuteronomy 15: 11, which says, “Therefore I
command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites (Nigerians) who are
poor and needy in your land”. This is why it is not philanthropy or corporate
social responsibility when I pursue pro-poor agenda. For example, to the glory
of God, I singlehandedly built the best street in Lagos and continue to give
uninterrupted power supply to my entire neighborhood in Lagos, a responsibility
I took up and have been fulfilling for a decade now. I have never spoken about
this before and I am thankful to my neighbors for their prayers that is the
most I need from them.
The over two thousand employed Nigerians in our corporate
concerns have a deep affection and respect for me against all odds, even when
we find ourselves in the murkiest of waters. This is despite the frustration we
seldom face from many quarters, including the government as epitomized by our
travails with AMCON that has not helped matters, however we remain happy at all
times. Therefore, we continue to create businesses that provides gainful
employment opportunities for Nigerians and to the glory of God, we are
surviving despite having to make a huge sacrifice.
I sincerely feel the pains of the ordinary Nigerian
concerning the freefall of the value of Naira. I have prayed and consulted my
God, who has led me to offer the solution, to help in any way I can and to tell
all I know. I decided to stake the entirety of my asset to my assertion, in
order to save the common Nigerian, many of which suffer the ripple effect of
the slide in the value of Naira, a slide that has been inexplicably detrimental
to the livelihood of Nigerians by way of inflation.
The benefit desired is a stable and virile Nigeria that the
people are self-reliant; contributing to the national development and growth
not as mere statistics but valuable human resources.
As a conflict management practitioner, we did our patriotic
and nationalistic intervention when the country was at the brink of economic
collapse due to the sabotage by those who executed the strike action in the
petroleum sector. That strike action was a move that would have scuttled the
May 29 handover ceremony, a move that made telecommunication companies,
hospital and banks shutdown, I singlehandedly defied the strike by opening up
Capital Oil and Gas' massive facility for round-the-clock loadout to all parts
of the country. I supplied products to hospitals and telecommunication
companies without payment. I also supplied the Lagos State Government House and
major political actors across the major political divide of the All
Progressives Congress' and the PDP. This singular gesture consequently induced
the striking parties to call off the strike, as they were well aware that my
actions had brought their strike action to nullity
Our experience with AMCON is an interesting one. We know the
forces that motivated some of their actions and are very grateful to GOD for
the wisdom and grace to cope with the subject matter. It is on record that they
managed Capital Oil and Gas Industries Limited for two years as part of the
challenges. They failed and nearly ruined the company before returning it. The
core of the challenge remains our zealous investments and capitalization based
on federal government policy and the desire of some unscrupulous elements to
divest us for being proactive. We are back to the courts on some of the issues
so it will be prejudicial to discuss details. Nevertheless, we are on course
and all the challenges will soon be over.
The Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN) was borne
out of genuine acts of patriotism. I belong to a class of patriotic Nigerians
who are committed to brainstorming and thinking out of the box in search of
solutions that can help move Nigeria forward. TAN emerged out of such a
process. The team I belong to has Nigerians from diverse backgrounds and
persuasions, often, concerned about the fate of Nigerians and keenly desirous
of creating the Nigeria of our dreams.
You will recall that early in 2012, we experienced the
series of protest marches that nearly paralyzed the economy of the country and
actually threatened Nigeria’s nascent democracy and could have led to the
truncating of our democracy again. President Jonathan suddenly became the most
vilified Head of the Nigerian-state in history. Anywhere you turned from then on, commentaries on him were negative.
The political class embarked upon a process of “embalming his presidency
alive”. In addition, members of his political party, the executive council, the
legislature, organized labor, civil society and the academia were throwing all
manner of objects at his presidency that was struggling for life. Ideas on way
forward came up in the course of our unending brainstorming sessions.
Interestingly, a number of the eggheads with whom I join in
brainstorming came up with the notion of “positive narrative advocacy” with
concerted youth mobilization and empowerment as the way forward. Fortunately, I
was in a position to help put some seed money where our minds indicated as the
way forward. Others contributed their wealth of experiences, ideas and time.
TAN system had patriotic Nigerian men and women deeply willing to take risks,
work odd hours and without serious considerations on their remuneration. TAN
did a lot of research to get our facts right about the activities of the then
federal government and packaged materials for media blitz through jingles for
radio and television broadcast. We published pamphlets and handbills to project
the achievements of the federal government under President Jonathan. We changed
the narrative!
This is the question everyone is always interested in asking
because of the positive impact of TAN and levels of success recorded within the
shortest possible time. The then opposition political party, APC, became
jittery, very jittery and the then ruling party, PDP, became uncomfortable.
Simply because, we reconstructed the political elite “embalming machine”
attached to the President Jonathan presidency into a life giving and
life-support machine.
In specific terms, TAN had the following levels of funding
and resourcing for its activities. They are:
Freewill Human Resource Contributions of intellectual, time, physical
and material resources --- as pro bono contributions, others at marginal
allowances, non-economic rates;
(ii) Personal Financial Contributions from me
as part of my patriotic, philanthropic agenda and those from the corporate
concerns under my purview as part of corporate social responsibility of my
businesses to Nigeria.
Self-sponsorship, mobilization and participation by groups and
individuals at the public events, rallies, etc.
Goodwill Donations from some well-meaning Nigerians who were encouraged
by what we were doing and felt compelled to chip in something.
In the light of revelations associated with some of the
pro-President Jonathan projects ahead of the 2015 Presidential Election, many
have insinuated the probable involvement of TAN; expecting the mention of TAN
as a probable beneficiary of the now commonly referred to #Dasukigate! Others
are even waiting for the probe of the oil sector (petroleum industry), hoping
to get a glimpse of what it will reveal. They are expecting some form of
scandal. Thank God, there is none and there will be none. It should interest you
to know that we never sourced money from the government. As a matter of policy,
we do not do government contracts. I do not have any oil bloc….
In order to give a figure to the total amount we committed
to the TAN project, the Finance and Administration component is working with a
firm of Financial Consultants and External Auditors to conduct the post-project
Audit. It is after this that we shall publish as expected by extant regulations
and legal framework governing the registration of TAN. We shall invite you then
and even make copies available for your library.
It is on record that it is providence based on the positive
record of TAN products – jingles, etc. that drew President Jonathan our way. I
believe he used instrumentalities of state at his behest to verify who we were
and that we were genuine patriots working in the interest of Federal Republic
of Nigeria. Some people spoke positively about our activities; I believe he was
further convinced about us amongst the many organizations seeking his attention
even as they campaigned for him. TAN is unique and our media campaign world
class. His recognition of TAN and visits served as the required motivation to
do more. We had opportunities to interact with him to clarifying our
motivation, goal and objectives. The sessions provided us the required
understanding and shared vision for his presidency. Our hearing directly from
him provided us with the impetus to do more even much more than agencies of
government because we saw in him a “meek”, “humble” and “sincere” man wanting
to transform Nigeria.
As they say, the rest is history. Notwithstanding that, we
should commit the rest to history; I must disclose that originally TAN did not
intend to cross the “partisan political line” we eventually did by
circumstances. We were compelled to do so! In order to retain the life-giving
support to the Jonathan presidency until his last day in office.
No doubt, in crossing the line we incurred some people’s
wrath and garnered the “misunderstood label”. Nigeria remains our focus.
Stabilizing the Nigerian-state our concern. President Jonathan as then
incumbent President was our champion and the symbol of our national
sovereignty. We are glad we contributed to his appreciating that within the
period he served Nigeria he could achieve so much and that there was no need to
hold on tightly to reins of public office and power. We salute him! We are glad
to have had the privilege of working with him so closely; affecting his
presidency in the twilight positively to allow him navigate the political
landmines. Given the same circumstances, we should gladly work with him for
Nigeria’s sake!
I just mentioned to you that Nigeria remains our focus.
Stabilizing the Nigerian-state our concern. The interest of the group of
Nigerians I belong to remain constant, NIGERIA! Pan-Nigerian! Nigeria must
survive. Nigeria must make progress! We must achieve with concerted efforts the
development and growth of Nigeria as a task that must be done.
Today, the Nigerian presidency, the sovereign of our country
is President M. Buhari. In order for Nigeria to move forward and get things
resolved in favor of Nigeria and Nigerians, it is through the person of
President Muhammadu Buhari. Our successes as Nigerian hinges on his success as
the President, C-in-C.
As a businessperson and a ‘political animal’, Ifeanyi Ubah,
is aware that the 1999 Constitution in Section 14 stipulates that Nigeria shall
exist “on the principle of democracy and social justice”. In addition, the
section provides that “sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria from whom
government through this constitution derives all its power and authority” and
that the primary reason of government is “security and welfare of the people”.
In conclusion, that same section assures “the participation by the people in
their government…according to the provisions of the (1999) Constitution, as
President Buhari emerged as the President of Nigeria through
a valid democratic process. I remain a Nigerian. TAN is Nigerian. TAN members
are Nigerians. Nigerians are to participate in the democratic space as a
collective with concerted efforts. It is therefore given that all Nigerians
should participate in government. We will therefore continue to participate
positively in the affairs of Nigeria. Nigeria’s nascent democracy is our own.
We are all going to be involved.
We shall utilize the human and material resources at our
disposal to support Nigeria and the government in office whichever party holds
sway. Our support is for the common good. TAN membership, of close to six
million, is bigger in size than many
We can provide the current federal government of Nigeria to
help out of the globally induced domestic challenges. That is, contribute our
own quota to navigate the many political landmines.
political parties and have a presence in virtually all the
nook and crannies of Nigeria.
In fact, May – July 2015, weeks after the inauguration of
President Buhari, breaking ranks with the oil majors, we availed Nigerians, the
government the required lifeline by releasing the petroleum products in our
“tank farms” to contribute our own quota to removing the fuel queues around the
In concrete and direct terms, we are willing and already
working with the government of President M. Buhari. As corporate concerns, we
pay tax, etc. and are willing to provide some out of the box suggestive
thinking and scenarios building of our brainstorming group. Yes, our think-tank
is available for serious constructive engagement and consultation. The novelty
is that at times once we are convinced with issues, we are willing to mobilize
and execute the pilot with required approvals of government so they can
consolidate upon the gains and our success stories. You need to recall the
number of MDAs that published reports and records of achievements that TAN did
not cover in our series of publications.
I am not a politician in the crude Nigerian definition of
the term politician. I am an Aristotle “Political Animal”. I have viable
vocation and ongoing business concerns that is the source of livelihood of
which am grateful to God and from which any probing eye can ascertain verify or
validate my incomes on which I pay tax without seeking patronizing waivers
should I have to import anything.
I am equally a student of the social sciences and history.
As a practical student of social sciences of which political science is an
integral part, my past time is inclusive of experimenting and setting the pace
or agenda for paradigm shift in doing things and making political moves.
Bringing lessons learned from history to realities, I am interested in
confirming what the outcomes would or could be if some political or economic
actors had pursued issues differently.
I got involved in the politics of Anambra State Governorship
to heighten the stakes and convert the governorship elections in the state to
the level of “issues-based campaign” on the one hand. On the other hand, my
involvement was to sound a note of caution to my privileged kit and kin
financially endowed by God to leave politics alone if they are personally not
the ones contesting. You know before then, the negative story of “godfathers”
involvement in Anambra politics. How godfathers crippled the tenure of Dr.
Mbadinuju, truncated the tenure of Dr. Chris Ngige and challenged Mr. Peter
Obi. Therefore, by coming on board for the governorship election directly I
initiated a paradigm shift. It is all about the people! I am committed to
serving for the common good!
As a student of history and politics, in the team I lead, we
are convinced that there are political possibilities even as we chart new
frontiers. For example, we joined forces with others for the 2015 General
Elections to reinforce the credible records of the metro-cosmopolitan nature of
Lagos as a melting pot and the history of being a “Home-for-All”.
This contributed to the emergence of some non-Yorubas as
representatives into the legislative assemblies at the State and National
levels. We achieved this in concert with the pan-Nigerian focused Yorubas who
were convinced of the need to reinforce the traditional hospitality of the
Lagos people and reaffirm with double reassurance the security of investments
in Lagos. We proved that it was possible to rekindle the trust of the
nationalist movement era in Lagos beyond mere political appointments and the
ceremonial one-day Governor. Breaking a 70 years old jinx in Lagos in
campaigning and facilitating the election of eight non-indigenes into the Lagos
State House of Assembly and six into the Federal House of Representatives, we
have strategically elevated public service away from primordial sentiments to
concern strictly with qualitative and efficiently effective representations.
Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah is a Nigerian who incidentally was born
to Alphonsus Ubah of Nnewi, Anambra State on September 3, 1971. Grateful to
God, I am married to my heartthrob, Uchenna - a God sent helpmate. A
businessperson, an entrepreneur to the core involved in the petroleum sector
and other viable areas of our national economy. A committed and patriotic
Nigerian. Patrick Ubah is a Christian of the Roman Catholic faith. He is the
Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer of Capital Oil and Gas, First
Nigerian Independent Oil Company, Oil Force Nigeria Limited, the Publisher of
The Authority Newspapers and the President of FC Ifeanyi Ubah.
By the way, Capital Oil and Gas, is a company with a massive
facility that contributes over 35% of Nigeria's daily petroleum consumption,
loading out an average of 15million litres daily.
The Authority Newspapers is the only newspaper that
publishes two different editions daily: The National Edition and The South-East
Edition. Authority Newspapers is currently the fastest growing newspaper in the
country, doing tremendously well in the market.
My venture into the Nigerian Football scene and the
innovative ideas that I brought to Nigerian Professional Football League has
turned the tide, bringing a long overdue excitement and panache to a league of
over 30 years old. Our Brazilian and other imports are currently attracting
over 60% of the total spectators coming to the stadium to watch football
matches, both home and away. I have managed to rejig the league in less than a
year. FC Ifeanyi Ubah stands atop the list of the most sought after Nigerian
clubs by international football clubs seeking to establish positive and
long-standing partnerships with a view to scouting and harnessing budding local
talents as well as exchange of strategy/ideas.
I must quickly add, “Ifeanyi Ubah" remains a man perceived
as controversial and is often misunderstood. This is because of the will and
strong desire to stay with and protect the interest of masses according to
divine injunctions contrary to the exploitative wish and machinations of
political and economic elite. This erroneous perception is the steep price I
have to pay for being an incorruptible Nigerian and clear mirror to the
nefarious elite who often collude to hatch, over the years, series of unfounded
allegations leveled against me and circulated using the media but to the glory
of God, none has been either proven or substantiated.
Ifeanyi Ubah, as an investor, in over two decades has made
some mark for which he has received some public recognition and awards. The
Federal University of Owerri, Nigeria awarded him a Doctorate degree in
Management Technology (DMT), in appreciation of the depth of his understanding
of Strategic Management and the possession of a "can do" mentality.
Similarly, Montclair State University, New Jersey, United States awarded me with
a Doctorate degree in Critical and Creative Thinking for ingenuity in conflict
resolution and management.
I wish to reiterate that I am doing this for sake of
posterity and in the interest of all Nigerians. I have no reason to seek for
anything more in life as I am highly blessed by the grace of God. I also have
no reason to seek for attention or popularity because I am a contented man. I
am a product of humble beginnings and a modest background. However, my
desire/motivation to intervene in the current state of affairs in the country
emanates from the deep concern I have for the masses and I remain resolutely
committed to the Nigerian people, whom I pursue this genuine cause for. Permit
me to state unequivocally that I do not have much need for the dollar in
carrying out my businesses. My loyalty rests with those traders who cannot
import anymore because of this outrageous hike in the exchange rate. My concern
lies with those parents who cannot afford to pay the school fees of their
children studying abroad or the sick, who on health grounds travel abroad, but
find the prices to be paid for treatment too steep as a result of the exchange
rate. I am worried for those ICT professionals who need software from foreign
countries but have to pay double as a result of the freefall of the Naira.
I have always volunteered in the past, to intervene in
issues of this magnitude without proper consultation, acknowledgement or
appreciation from the relevant authorities. I seek a change from the norm. It
would do no one any harm if the relevant authorities showed a little bit of
gratitude for my timely interventions as it concerns matters of national
interest. However, if we desire to successfully execute the strategies and
systems we will propose, the government must be fully involved as the powers to
implement our proposed strategies fully lies with them.
My pertinent question remains: If the current leadership
really care about Nigeria and Nigerians, why haven't sincere efforts been made
to curb this menace? I have volunteered to serve and vowed to commit everything
I have and posses to the success of this cause. However, it is distasteful to
note that ever since I made an appearance on Channels TV on the 21st of
February, 2016, the relevant authorities saddled with the responsibility of
saving our economy would rather play politics with the issue - an occurrence
that is far too frequent and way too detrimental.
May I use this medium to debunk a certain rumour currently
making the rounds on social media asserting that I have been contacted and
contracted by the Federal Government of Nigeria to consult on the FOREX issue.
I wish to categorically state that as at 4:00PM (WAT), Sunday, 28th of
February, 2016, neither I nor any member of my team has been
contacted/contracted by the Federal Government or any of her
representatives/proxies to consult on the FOREX issue. If and when contact is
made, I will personally inform the media about the development to avoid
misinformation which our media space is frequently awash with.
It may also interest Nigerians to know that my team and I
have also been working tirelessly on a number of issues aimed at fostering the
growth and development of Nigeria and her economy. We have designed 2
templates/systems on how Nigeria's IGR (Internally Generated Revenue) can be
grown by 30% - GUARANTEED. However, we have decided to push our concepts and
strategies out in phases. This will come in the next phase of our intervention
I leave this in the hands of Nigerians and for posterity to
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Dr. Ifeanyi Patrick Ubah
Abuja, Nigeria
Sunday, February 28, 2016
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